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Anonymous - Current Client

I formed a strong relationship with Jade very quickly, which has continued to grow over time, to the point that I trust her implicitly and feel able to tell her anything and everything. I feel incredibly heard in our sessions, and she provides the perfect balance of listening to me, and using questions to help me develop further understanding of issues on my own. 
Although our sessions cover dark and difficult topics, she helps me to see light within them and we are able to laugh and have fun as part of the process.
Jade is brilliant at making links between the things I talk about currently, and things I’d told her months ago. This helps things make more sense, and also frequently highlights my progress. She never makes me feel like a problem is too big, or too small. Jade frequently sends me very useful resources that help me to continue the work we do together between sessions.
I can see clearly that I am a far better version of myself since starting sessions with Jade.



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